Client's Industry: Manufacturing
Client's Company Size: 53 office personnel
Mapletronics Services Provided: Get-Covered Advantage and TorQ41
At about 3:30 PM on a Thursday we received an emergency ticket that their network was down. Once we got into the network, we realized they had gotten ransomware. The ransomware was on three of their five servers. They normally close the office at 4:00 PM so they went ahead and sent teammates home for the evening. Our team worked through the evening to get the servers restored from the latest snapshot TorQ41 had taken before the servers had ransomware on them. By the time the office opened in the morning two of the servers were up and running. About an hour later the third server was up and running also. The great thing was the client did not have to pay the ransom and the data loss was minimal. For most end users the downtime was less than an hour total.
Other notes about Mapletronics relationship with this company:
They started as a break/fix client with MTC. After about a year we moved them to a Get-Covered agreement with TorQ41 as their backup solution. When they started with us, they had 17 office personnel and since then have grown to the 53 current office personnel they have now.
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